May / Mai 2010
Japanese and chinese are supposed to "traditionally" hate each other, since the events wich leaded to the second world war. What happens when they meet ? At least in my home, the chat, laugh and exchange about the differences they have in writing. I can't tell anymore who wrote what.
Les japonais est le chinois sont censés "traditionellement" se détester, depuis les évènements qui ont conduit à la seconde guerre mondiale. Que se passe-t-il lorsque deux d'entre eux se rencontrent?En tout cas chez moi ils discutent rient et comparent leurs écritures. Je ne peux plus dire qui a écrit quoi.
As a generation Y Hong Kong - Chinese, i guess only the older generations are still hating Japanese. But that doesn't mean the incidents during WWII can be erased from the history.
RépondreSupprimerAnd... fun picture :P