J'ai decouvert avec surprise qu'il y a une sorte de croyance chinoise qui veut que ceux qui mangent du boeuf soient forts, peu frileux, endurants, etc... donc les caucasiens / occidentaux de facon generale. Je ne me suis jamais considere comme une force de la nature, mais on me l'a repete plusieurs fois cette semaine : "nous autres chinois etions oauvres il y a 20 ans et nous n'avons pas mange de boeuf comme vous !!" quand je me suis etonne de diverses choses.
I was quite surprised to realize that there's a belief a china about the people who eat beef meat. They would stronger, not easy to feel cold ans so on... and so would be westerners. i never considered myself as strong or anything, but I heard this several times along this week. "We chinese were poor 20 years ago, and we've not been lucky enough to eat as much beef as you" when I felt strange for several things.
I was quite surprised to realize that there's a belief a china about the people who eat beef meat. They would stronger, not easy to feel cold ans so on... and so would be westerners. i never considered myself as strong or anything, but I heard this several times along this week. "We chinese were poor 20 years ago, and we've not been lucky enough to eat as much beef as you" when I felt strange for several things.
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