Les pétards et autres feux d'artifice, selon la tradition, servent à faire fuire les démons et a "brûler" la mauvaise chance. Chaque famille chinoise semblant acheter (sans éxagerer) l'équivalent de ce que le village où j'habite tire au 14 Juillet, cela ressemble plus à une guerre d'extermination. Arrivé vers minuit les conversations deviennent aussi difficiles que dans une discothèque; les explosions lourdes et les pétarades ont lieu à chaque coin de rue; les rues sont jonchées de débris au point qu'il faut presque faire attention où on met les pieds. Même les boulevards sont utilisés par les habitants de Beijing, et il faut zigzaguer entre les cartons enflammés et les débris un peu trop gros. Sans compter les policiers et les ambulanciers qui ramassent les blessés. Je vais tenter de charger quelques vidéos dans un prochain billet. Les images tournées dans les guerres passées en Palestine donnent des impressions de calme, par comparaison. Les explosions se sont calmées entre 1h et 2h du matin et ont repris à 6h ou 7h du matin... Les yeux piquent un peu.
Firecrackers and fireworks, according to tradition, are meant to scare the evil beings and burn the bad luck. Every chinese familly seems to be buying as much fireworks as my village uses at the french national day. So it looks like an extermination war. Around midnight, it gets almost impossible to have a chat, due to the heavy noise. Things explode in every streets for hours. Streets are covered with foreworks dirts and burning things. Even the biggest roas get hard to drive on. Somay burning things everyzhere, and policemen and rescue teams. I'll try to upload videos as soon as I can. Videos shot from the wars in Palestine sound quiet, by comparison. Explodions began to calm down around 02:00 and started again around 6 or 7:00. Tired...
Firecrackers and fireworks, according to tradition, are meant to scare the evil beings and burn the bad luck. Every chinese familly seems to be buying as much fireworks as my village uses at the french national day. So it looks like an extermination war. Around midnight, it gets almost impossible to have a chat, due to the heavy noise. Things explode in every streets for hours. Streets are covered with foreworks dirts and burning things. Even the biggest roas get hard to drive on. Somay burning things everyzhere, and policemen and rescue teams. I'll try to upload videos as soon as I can. Videos shot from the wars in Palestine sound quiet, by comparison. Explodions began to calm down around 02:00 and started again around 6 or 7:00. Tired...
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